Of Latitudes and Attidudes

Here is where you'll find my observations about this universe, life, and the question to the Ultimate answer of life.

Location: Santa Clara, California, United States

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Enjoying music in silence

Several weeks ago I had a wonderful opportunity to get a hug from the "hugging saint" aka Ammachi aka Mata Amritanandamayi. This was my first time, so naturally there was an element of curiosity fueling my visit. While I was waiting in line for a token, there was amazing music flowing out of the meditation hall where Ammachi was seated. Other than the sheer warmth of the 'hugging' experience, I was told that the best part of attending Ammachi's events is the music and they were right. The voice was absolutely melodious; the lyrics I didn't understand much but the sounds emanating from the hall into the open arena put me right into a state of bliss.

Somehow my attention was drawn to the couple behind me in the line. The female seemed hearing impaired so her companion was explaining the process of tokens, etc. to her. I felt for her. It hit me that a big reason of my current happiness was because of the music and she can't hear a thing! How deprived must she feel? Gradually I realized that she was also happy in her place -- soaking in the ambiance like everyone else just sans the music. Perhaps her own tunes; melodies that the world outside is not privy to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, when we lose one of the five senses the rest of the senses become more powerful. Nature's way of compensating the loss of one sense.

7:47 AM  

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