Of Latitudes and Attidudes

Here is where you'll find my observations about this universe, life, and the question to the Ultimate answer of life.

Location: Santa Clara, California, United States

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

grassy haven

Millions of years ago, the land of Upanishads and Vedas had already established its preference for vegetarian food.

Grass-Eating Dinosaurs

Think of dinosaurs' diets, and red meat comes to mind. Or, for herbivores, ferns and palms.

But scientists in India have found the first clear evidence that some dinosaurs also ate grass. Fossilized dung of what are believed to be titanosaurs - those big-bodied, tiny-headed creatures - contains rigid structures called phytoliths, which were identified as coming from many different types of grasses. The finding is reported in Science.

The fossils date from the late Cretaceous, near the end of the dinosaurs' reign 65 million years ago. That makes this one of the earliest findings of grasses in the fossil record, and shows that grasses had already diversified by then.



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