Of Latitudes and Attidudes

Here is where you'll find my observations about this universe, life, and the question to the Ultimate answer of life.

Location: Santa Clara, California, United States

Thursday, November 10, 2005


The talks, the posters, the side conversations...It is an annual symposium and I'm absorbing it all, just like a fresh graduate. Correction. I want to absorb it all but increasingly frequently, the mind wanders about, trying to ensure that this is just where I want to be - here and now. For how long will this charade last, if this is not what i am meant to do? Is the journey itself meaningful or is it the destination that only matters? Take a scientific analogy to this - to present at one of these gatherings, a fruitful understanding of a phenomenon needs to occur. You could incessently go about discussing your approach - the many failed experimental setups, the minor successes - down to the very atomic thinking of your mind. But that's not why everyone is here - they want to know about your key findings, and your thinking matters only if it is insightful. So it seems, the journey of life is seldom important, it is the choice of destination that is.

The journey is there by default, the end is a choice.

I continue to ask myself, am I headed towards the right destination? Increasingly frequently, the answer is 'probably not'.


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