Of Latitudes and Attidudes

Here is where you'll find my observations about this universe, life, and the question to the Ultimate answer of life.

Location: Santa Clara, California, United States

Saturday, September 07, 2002

This being my first weblog, I should start off by promising (myself and the odd reader) nothing. This disclaimer is necessary particularly because I tend to slack off once my initial enthusiasm wears off. While I do have high hopes for this e-diary, my only qualm is its inability to allow expression of thoughts or ideas in a language other than English.

Sometimes, during intense conversations with friends, I've realized that I tend to forget sources for little facts known only to myself. Now, in polite company people may simply attribute to this forgetful nature to work, stress, what not, however, others may tend to eventually view everything I say with suspicion. Hence, this area will also be a place where I can write down things I have heard on the radio, read in books, surfed on on-line newspapers, and ofcourse, add my own comments for completion. Tall order, but like I said earlier, I promise nothing.


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